Patient Testimonials
The photos, videos and video links in this section are all of real Frozen Shoulder patients of Dr. Denis Simons. The photos presented are screen shots from video taken during the patient’s actual treatment visits. The pre-photos are all accurate depictions of the patient’s range of motion pre-treatment. In all cases (unless otherwise noted in the patient summary) the only treatment administered between the pre and post ranges of motion is a single OTZ adjustment of the upper neck.
Written consent has been obtained from these patients to share their stories.
Case #1
This 28 year old female Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (FSS) patient presented to the clinic on Feb 21, 2014. She had been suffering with significantly reduced range of motion and constant pain for 7 years. In that time she received chiropractic treatment, multiple rounds of physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, and ART. None of these treatments were successful. Eventually she received a corticosteroid injection directly into the shoulder. This provided pain relief and did improve her range of motion. However, between 1 and 2 years later the symptoms returned. The other treatments were ineffective and painful.
After a thorough examination it was determined she had a right sided HMS (type of subluxation in the neck).
Pre Adjustment Photo at maximum abduction
Click HERE to see the Pre Adjustment video footage
Post Adjustment Photo
Notice the clock in the bottom right corner. Literally 3 minutes later after a single OTZ adjustment.
Click HERE to see the actual video footage
This patient responded very well to the adjustment with almost a complete return of shoulder range of motion and a dramatic reduction in pain. Her results are typical for 50-75% of the patients that seek treatment at our office for FSS/Adhesive Capsulitis.
Results will vary depending on each patient’s unique presentation. If you would like to learn more about this revolutionary treatment please explore the content of this website or contact Dr. Denis Simons. If you, or someone you know is suffering from Frozen Shoulder book an appointment with Dr. Simons today. There is a better way, Let us show you!
Case #2
43 Year old Male with a 9 month duration Frozen Shoulder on his left side. He reported the shoulder froze up quite quickly over a week or two with no preceding event. He had been in physiotherapy care for 2.5 months at the time of our assessment/treatment. He had been achieving gains in Flexion with physiotherapy but was still limited to 90 degrees or less of Abduction and dramatically reduced in external rotation.
Physical examination revealed a left sided HMS (specific type of chiropractic subluxation of the upper neck) with characteristic postural compensations.
Of incidental note, the patient had moderate improvement of his Abduction range of motion after strong mobilization of the affected joints during the examination process. As you can see from the video, the gains were multiplied after the adjustment was performed.
Click here to see the actual patient video!
Post Adjustment Photo
This patient’s range of motion significantly improved after a single OTZ chiropractic adjustment to the neck! The nervous system is the secret to unlocking Frozen Shoulder.
Click here to see the actual treatment video!
This Patient saw significant improvements in shoulder ROM into abduction and external rotation immediately after a single chiropractic adjustment of the neck as per OTZ protocols. The shoulder was not touched. Like the previous patient, these results demonstrate the vital importance of proper neurological function. Frozen Shoulder is not an “adhesion problem” but a “nerve control” problem.
Results will vary depending on each patient’s unique presentation. If you would like to learn more about this revolutionary treatment please explore the content of this website or contact Dr. Denis Simons. If you, or someone you know is suffering from Frozen Shoulder book an appointment with Dr. Simons today. There is a better way, Let us show you!
Case #3
A 63 year old male presented to the clinic with a frozen shoulder of 3 months duration on the left. The patient reported 3 previous frozen shoulders over the preceding 14 years. His first two frozen shoulders occurred on the right. On both occasions he received corticosteroid injections that “did nothing”. His 3rd and 4th (current) episodes involved his left shoulder. The preceding 3 cases each lasted for 2-3 years and eventually self-resolved although the patient reported they “never actually went away” completely. The patient had given up golf because of the condition, was periodically (up to 2 years at time) unable to ride his motorcycle and had difficulty sleeping due to the pain.
Postural and physical examination revealed findings consistent with a left sided HMS (Hatcher Murphy Subluxation, a type of specific upper cervical dysfunction thought to cause frozen shoulder). A SINGLE NECK ADJUSTMENT was performed.
CLICK HERE to see the pre-adjustment video!
Notice the clock on the wall. Mere minutes have passed and the patient has regained almost FULL range of motion. This result was obtained with a SINGLE NECK ADJUSTMENT. The shoulder was not treated or touched at all.
To view the post-adjustment video and share the patient’s amazed reaction CLICK HERE.
While still painful in spots, the patient regained almost full range of motion with a significant reduction in pain IMMEDIATELY after a SINGLE NECK ADJUSTMENT. This result combined with the many others strongly suggest the problem in Frozen Shoulder cases are not the Adhesions. By restoring proper alignment in the upper cervical spine, the neurological connection that controls the shoulder is restored and the patient is IMMEDIATELY able to move better with less pain.
Results will vary depending on each patient’s unique presentation. If you would like to learn more about this revolutionary treatment please explore the content of this website or contact Dr. Denis Simons. If you, or someone you know is suffering from Frozen Shoulder book an appointment with Dr. Simons today. There is a better way, Let us show you!
Case #4
This 51 year old male reported to the clinic on April 16, 2014 complaining of a Frozen Shoulder on his left side. The condition came on spontaneously after playing raquetball in 2009 and was persistent to the time of presentation. He had received chiropractic care, massage therapy and consulted a rheumatologist for the condition without significant improvement.
Pre-Adjustment Video
This is a screenshot from the actual treatment video of April 16, 2014 prior to his adjustment.
For the actual video, CLICK HERE
Post-Adjustment Video
Immediately after a SINGLE specific NECK adjustment the patient’s ROM is almost full with significant reductions in pain. Incidentally the patients grip strength increased by 10 kg in the affected arm immediately after the adjustment as well.
CLICK HERE for the actual post adjustment video.
The patient had a very good response to treatment. His range of motion in the affected shoulder was almost completely restored immediately after the adjustment. The painful catch seen at the end of the abduction test video was reduced with each repetition of the motion into abduction.
This patient also had a immediate 10 kg increase in grip strength in the affected arm post adjustment.
Results will vary depending on each patient’s unique presentation. If you would like to learn more about this revolutionary treatment please explore the content of this website or contact Dr. Denis Simons. If you, or someone you know is suffering from Frozen Shoulder book an appointment with Dr. Simons today. There is a better way, Let us show you!
Case #5
This 59 year old male patient presented to the clinic on May 22, 2014 with a right frozen shoulder of 5-6 months duration. The patient reported that had attempted to lift a vacuum cleaner out of the back of a closet and felt sudden onset shoulder pain. He reported consistent pain in the upper third of his arm that became unbearable if he didn’t move it. His range of motion into abduction was limited to 90 degrees intially and the pain in his shoulder prevented him from sleeping restfully. His MD diagnosed him with a rotator cuff strain and treated his shoulder with corticosteroid injections on 3 occasions between the event and the time of presentation. His last corticosteroid shot had been 2 weeks prior. The corticosteroids had a transient impact on pain but had little other effect. He experienced a moderate improvement in his condition after a chiropractic treatment and was subsequently referred to our office to receive the OTZ tension adjustment. At the time of presentation the patient was unable to raise his arm into abduction above 140 degrees and was limited by 10/10 pain.
Pre Adjustment Video screenshot
Patient demonstrating his maximum range of motion immediately before receiving first OTZ tension adjustment.
To see the actual video CLICK HERE
Post Adjustment Video Screenshot
The patient has just received a single specific upper cervical OTZ tension adjustment. His range of motion is immediately
The patient was a type 1 OTZ patient and responded extremely well. His ROM was significantly improved with full range in Abduction restored and significant gains in internal rotation as the patient’s scapular lift was increased dramatically. Of incidental note his grip strength in the affected arm increased by 6 kgs after the adjustment.
Case # 6
This 35 year old female Ultimate Frisbee player presented to our clinic on Sept 19, 2014 with a frozen right shoulder of 3 months duration. She had already seen another chiropractor who performed lower cervical, upper thoracic and shoulder adjustments as well as acupuncture. Physiotherapy and Massage therapy had also been unsuccessful. She was prescribed Valium by her MD which had no effect.
There was no preceding event or history of trauma to the head, neck or shoulder. She simply woke up one morning and had limited motion in her arm. She reported, as is typical in these cases, difficulty sleeping due to pain. Her abduction was limited to 70 degrees, her flexion 110 degrees, and interestingly her ipsilateral trapezius muscle exhibited severe paresis displaying 1/5 motor strength. During the exam she was unable to shrug it against the force of gravity.
Pre-Adjustment Video Screenshot
Immediately prior to her first OTZ tension adjustment the patient displays her maximum active abduction range of
motion. She also had dramatically reduced shoulder flexion and near paralysis of her same sided trapezius. Watch the
actual video by CLICKING HERE !
Post-Adjustment Video Screenshot
Immediately after receiving a single specialized upper cervical adjustment the patient regains near full range of
motion. Watch the video and watch her immediately regain control and strength of her upper Trapezius.
Immediately after her initial adjustment the patient regained near full range of motion of her right shoulder. Her Trapezius function was also immediately and dramatically improved. She reported residual stiffness during the initial recovery of motion but that sensation eased as she repeated the ranges of motion. Another clear illustration of FSS being caused by upper cervical dysfunction rather than the traditional “adhesive capsulitis” theory. Like every other case on this page, the ONLY treatment she received between the pre and post video, was a SINGLE upper cervical adjustment.
If you have any questions about this effective new treatment for Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis click here to contact Dr. Denis Simons.
*The content of this site is the property of Dr. Denis Simons and should not be reproduced unless expressed written consent is provided.
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